My mission is to help you unlock it


If you’re reading these words, chances are you find yourself at a crossroad…

Deep down you know you’re meant for something bigger, but you can’t seem to break free from the confines of stress, fear, doubt and worry.

My guess is there’s a powerful urge to align with your true soul’s path and confidently embody your authentic power, yet you feel unclear on the next steps…

Ultimately you desire to create a life of meaning, abundance, joy and freedom, but you can’t seem to release the limiting beliefs and negative patterns that seem to be keeping you stuck.

Regardless of where you’re at on your journey, I’m committed to helping you close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

If you’re ready to embark on a magical inner voyage to unleash your unique gifts, discover your higher purpose and liberate your greatest, most alive and authentic self, you’ve come to the right place.

The question then becomes….are you ready to answer the call?

Hi, I’m Christopher

Transformation Teacher & Guide

With over 15 years experience in the fields of holistic wellness, personal, and leadership development, I’ve helped hundreds of people realize their potential and I want to help you do the same..

As a former Corporate Leader turned Transformation Guide, my journey has led me around the globe from the villages of Tanzania, Africa where I’ve served as a Peace Corps volunteer to the Amazon Rainforest where I’ve connected with some of today’s most powerful healers.

As a result of going through many pivotal challenges initiations along my path, I have a deep understanding and passion for helping others break free from their own limitations, discover their purpose and step into a life of greatness.

My work offers a unique blend of intuitive guidance, somatic healing and ancient wisdom to assist you in releasing the blocks and barriers holding you back from living and fulfilling you highest soul expression.


Transformational offerings to elevate your life, relationships, business and well-being


High-level support, intuitive guidance and success strategies to help you heal your pain activate your power and unleash your purpose.


Embark on a mystical and transformative journey to gain supreme clarity on who you are and why you’re here.


Enhance your physical, mental, emotional and energetic well-being and experience a greater level of peace, power and prosperity.